I can remember using Photoshop 7 and being completely frustrated with that program. As a matter of fact, because I couldn't use the damn thing, I started hating on people that edited their photos. Can't join them, well, then HATE THEM; those jerks. I would tell myself that people made their photos in Photoshop rather than shot them with their camera and lights. Well, on record, I was wrong. You really can't shine shit (I know, it was proven otherwise on Myth Busters, but really, come on). A bad photo is a bad photo. Long story short, I'm pretty excited about my editing skills and wanted to share them. Here's what I got:

And here is what I used:
Healing brush
Patch Tool
Clone Stamp
Eye Dropper Tool
Layer Mask
Magic Wand
Unmask Sharpen
Many thanks to Youtube and McClain for the great tips on natural skin editing!!
Till then.
eye dropper ^_^b