People have vice's (vices')? Anyways no one is perfect and today, I may have discovered my one of many vice's(s').
I love soda!
The above must stand in it's own paragraph to emphasize my point I'm making. You see, my dad owns a little take-out in Bolsa and he's stocking up on drinks (Coke) for the upcoming Lunar New Years. So, off in a little corner of the house are stacks of 12 packs. They're just sitting there with no one watching them or anything. I told myself that I should not take any of the drinks because I've been caught and, lightly, scolded at. So, I listened to "self-control" and didn't touch it.
That was three days ago and they're still sitting in that corner. So, today (Feb. 3. 2010) I did something that I was not entirely proud of: I stole not 1 but 2 cokes from my dad. But not all hope is lost for my soul, you see, as I was drinking to my success (I had to wait for my mom not to be around and, like a ninja, quietly open the package and sneak 2 drinks in my pj pockets), I realized that I can save myself by placing a dollar bill on the package that I tore open. I did.

As a result of my Tom Foolery, dad saw the dollar and proceed into my room and handed me a 2 liter bottle of Coke. I know what you're thinking and yes, I HATE BOTTLED SODA! Everyone knows that.
Till then!